Day 20: Billie Plays Banjo

You may have wondered what owls do up in the trees when no one is looking!

TODAY I am the featured artist on Cindy Williams’ blog!  Please check it out.   I first met Cindy through a previous 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  She is an American transplant living in the UK.  A wonderful artist in her own right, she is graciously featuring a different artist every day this month.

watercolor 6 x 8 inches by Pam Schoessow

watercolor 6 x 11 inches by Pam Schoessow


Day 21 Just Hanging Around

I worked and reworked the background on this little piece.  I think I will just call it done.  Monkeys seem to be such happy creatures.  When I lived on the island of Okinawa as a teenager, we could walk up into the “jungle” from my house and see them.  They were pretty loud as I recall.  Don’t think I’d want one for a pet.  These monkeys are sweetly silent!

Just Hanging Around 2


4″ x 4″ mini watercolor on board with easel  $28  See it in my Etsy Shop.

Winter Fun?

I must admit, I don’t look forward to cold, snow and ice.  Winter in Chicago is NOT my favorite season.  And even though it’s over a month away on the calendar,  it has been rearing it’s ugly head this week.  Burrrr!  This little painting helps me grin and bear it.  I can  fool myself into thinking winter is cute and fun!


Yellow Tabby

This tabby cat is enjoying the outdoors with his buddy.  Who says birds and cats have to have an adversarial relationship?  I’m painting and posting from sunny Las Vegas where I have come to have a nice visit with my Mom.  Image

We are going to see Donny and Marie (Osmond) at the Flamingo hotel tonight.  I first saw their show almost 40 years ago as a teenager here in Vegas (where I grew up)  It was a great show then and I’m sure it will be equally entertaining tonight.  I’ll let you know all about it.

Do Pumpkins Grow on Trees?

Day 19

Pumpkins, acorns and sunflowers—what an unusual tree!  The blackbird likes it.  Puts him in that Autumn mood.

I promise I will paint something without a pumpkin  before this challenge is over.  For now, I’m still loving those pumpkins!Image

Yellow Bird in the Coneflowers

I love coneflowers.  I love watching them pop through the ground every year.  Mine are are growing strong and I expect to see some flowers appearing in a few weeks.  I love the shape, with the “cone” center and the petals that droop down.  They are so fun to draw.  Where this bird came from I have no idea!


Bird in the Bush


Bird in the Bush

Here’s that pesky bird again! Don’t really know where it comes from. When I sit down to draw, it just keeps showing up. It’s been hard to get out the paints lately. I have been doing a lot of quilting, though. My new pineapple block quilt is coming along nicely. I’ll post some pictures soon.

Day 26 Cabin Fever


Day 26  Cabin Fever

I love the log cabin block. With one light side and one dark side, there are so many possible patterns. This is the “Streaks of Lightening” setting. I liked my drawing, but labored over the painting and am not very satisfied. But it’s done and so almost is this challenge. I am starting to get “painter’s” block!